Animal Farm Human Nature Analysis

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If something was doomed to fail, and you knew that, would you still try anyway and hope that the people you follow know what they are doing, or would you rebel against the so called rulers, and do things your own way in the hope of succeeding? What if human nature said to blindly follow the people who say they have your best interests at heart? Would you still do that? The animals in the book Animal Farm by George Orwell showed everyone that a bad idea could never succeed under any kind of rule because, human nature will always stay the same, the “stronger minded” will always want to control the “weaker minded”, and propaganda will always influence how people see politics.

The definition of human nature is “ the general characteristics, …show more content…

They changed the rules by making the other animals feel dumb, they used the farm's resources for themselves, saying that the food and the luxuries were necessary for their intelligence, and they denied the animal's right to speak and have their own opinions by always coming up with a reason why the pigs were the best fit to rule, and how Napoleon was always right. “Comrades!” he cried “You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in the spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (This has been proven by science Comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig.” (page 35, chapter 3) Squealer is explaining to the animals how they need the extra food for the wellbeing of themselves. Any good ruler would understand that when everyone has very little to eat, the remaining food should be shared with every person, not saved for those who are the smartest. But, in the book it was made clear that the needs of the many do not outweigh the few, but the opposite of that, the needs of the few outweigh the many. Not only did they take the food from the animals, Napoleon had Boxer killed so that they could get whiskey for themselves. The pigs explained to the other animals how the …show more content…

They also use their persuasive speaking capabilities and propaganda. "Comrades,” he said, “ I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napoleon has made in taking this extra labour upon himself. Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibiblity.No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?" ( page 55, chapter 5) Snowball convinced the rest of the animals that they wouldn’t want to lead the farm because it is a lot of hard work. He has also convinced them that if they were to rule instead of Napoleon, they would make a mistake and “ruin” the life that Napoleon has worked so hard to achieve for all the animals. Furthermore, Napoleon and Squealer managed to run Snowball off the farm, and make the rest of the animals believe that Snowball was working with Mr. Jones the entire time. Along with, making them think that Napoleon was the one who injured Snowball during the battle between the animals and the people , and the battle cry that Snowball gave was actually a battle cry for the humans. “ For we know now- it is all written down in the secret documents that we have found-that in reality he was trying to lure us to our

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