Animal Essay: Animal Cruelty And Captivity

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Animal Cruelty and Captivity
Zoos, aquariums, and circuses do not treat animals with respect and kindness. They inevitably suffer from disease, pain, starvation, and fear so they will perform seamlessly for the public. Owners force their pets to carry out pointless tricks and performances and are almost always deprived of their normal behavior (Aquariums and Marine Parks).Workers within the facilities that the animals occupy rip them from their natural habitat. The wild animals will not live their full lifespan due to the mental and physical abuse that comes from the captive place they reside in (Aquariums and Marine Parks). Before performing, show masters inject their animals with various drugs because their natural behavior interferes with …show more content…

The two mammals communicate and navigate with one another by echolocation. When placed in an arena with restricted walls the vibrations from their calls bounce off the pool’s glass and drive the sea animal insane (Aquariums and Marine Parks). Being in a small pool or tank impairs the animal’s mental and physical health. Some orcas break their teeth on the metal bars containing them in hopes of chewing their way to freedom (Aquariums and Marine Parks). This often leads to oral hygiene issues and can end in the death or serious illness. Deaths and sickness in marine parks and aquariums are common occurrences that are frequently neglected and overlooked. Orcas that usually live for hundreds of years only live a few due to the consequences of the tight spaces, synthetic food, and punishments. Animals endure severe trauma from the confined spaces which drive them insane, gruesome attempts at escaping, and harsh punishments that make them fearful (Aquariums and Marine …show more content…

The fin is necessary for keeping the whale upright and stable. It will fold over and unusable for the whale if it suffers from this condition. Dehydration, lack of exercise, and unnatural diets cause this condition and is extremely painful for the whale (Killer Whale Dorsal Fin Collapse). Collapse may also be caused by the lack of swimming. Killer whales are known to swim vast distances every day and are constantly in motion. The water in the ocean provides pressure and keeps the tissues inside the fin healthy and upright. Dorsal fins may collapse due to the orca spending most of its time on the surface of the water. The whale is not able to swim far distances or dive too deep, therefore there is no pressure or water support on the fin (Killer Whale Dorsal Fin Collapse). The results of the collapsed fin are deadly to the fish if not treated with immediate care (Killer Whale Dorsal Fin Collapse). Zoos destroy natural life for animals. (Smith 1). Zoo animals become lonely with their surroundings because they are kept within certain boundaries their whole life. Animals that naturally walk vast miles every day are not able to. For example, elephants walk up to thirty miles in a day, bears are active for nearly eighteen hours, and lions love to explore and hunt. In the subsumed area, the animals are not able to freely live as if they would in their natural habitat. The animals

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