Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States

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Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States from 1829-1837, created a lot of dissension in America between the elite group of men along with the government and the common man with his ideas of democracy. Jackson became known as a “man of the people” with his definition of democracy that “all branches of the government- the President, the Congress, the National Bank, even the supreme court- must listen to and follow the wishes of the people.”
He also believed that “all offices- whether appointed or elected- must ultimately fall under the absolute control of the people.” Although Andrew Jackson was considered a “man of the people” and democratic to the common people, which was the majority, overall, considering today’s definition being the idea that power is equally distributed throughout the population of the country and everyone is given equal rights and respect, he was significantly undemocratic because of his mistreatment of the elite, the government, and the Native Americans and blacks.
Jackson proved he was significantly undemocratic because of his mistreatment toward the elite group of men who included mostly lawyers, merchants, and wealthy farmers when he vetoed the re –charter of the 2nd Bank of the United States. In “Andrew Jackson’s Bank Veto Message To Congress” on July 10,1832 from A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, by James D. Richardson he expressed his concern that the present Bank of the United States had too much power and that the Americans liberty and independence was in danger. Jackson states, “ It is easy to conceive that great evils to our country…might flow from such concentration of power in the hands of a few men irresponsible to the people.” Jackson insisted that soone...

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... but today, democracy is the idea that power is equally distributed throughout the population of the country and everyone is given equal rights and respect. In that light, Andrew Jackson was significantly undemocratic even though he was considered a “man of the people”. He helped and ONLY helped the common man, which ultimately make him undemocratic. He mistreated the wealthier class of people by vetoing the re-chartering of the 2nd National Bank, he mistreated the rest of the government by ignoring their opinions and continuing the spoils system, and he mistreated Native Americans by forcing them to leave their homes in the Indian Removal Act and blacks by owning them as slaves and not being sincerely believing they had equal rights. Anybody who is considered a “man of the people” would take into regards the rights and opinions of all citizens within the country.

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