Andi Mack Character Analysis Essay

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I watch the TV show Andi Mack for the Aristotelian Analysis Essay. I watched episode 6 in season 2. Whale you are reading you will learn about the characters, the plot, the language, the music, the spectacle, and the usage. The show was really good and it left me on a cliff hanger wanting to watch more! I hope you enjoy my essay. The main character in the show is Andi Mack. She is a 13 year old girl who goes to middle school. Andi loves her “sister” Bex but Bex is always traveling the world and is never around. On Andi’s birthday Bex comes home. Andi thought her birthday was the best one she ever had until she learns her free-spirited older sister Bex isn't Andi's sister -- she is her mother -- and Celia, who Andi thought was her mom, is actually her grandmother. And soon learned who her dad was and after all this her mind was just about to explode. But then she met Jonah Beck. Andi immediately had a crush on Jonah. Over the series Andi and Jonah got started dating and their relationship just grew from their. …show more content…

Each show always ends in a cliff hanger. I cant wait till Friday for a new episode to come out. Every minute in each show is important. Each action that one character dose affects another Andi starts dating Jonah and amber gets upset because she likes Jonah too. A new principal changes the dress code at Andi’s school and the whole place goes crazy. No one can wear anything. The most important moment in this story is, like I said before, when Andi finds out that her sister is really her mother. The second is when Andi’s grandparents told the family they were selling their house. Andi was devastated when she heard this, that where Andi shack was! Andi shack is where Andi keeps all her art supplies. I don’t know what happens next because it left me on a cliff

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