Ancient Roman Children

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Growing up children in Ancient Rome were much like children today. These children liked to play with toys, sing, and dance. Some toys they played with were toy chariots, dolls, and marbles. Even though there are similarities there are some big differences between modern day kids and Ancient Roman kids. As a kid of Ancient Rome you could start working at age 8. Kids could also be engaged by age 7. Girls could legally marry at 12 and boys at 14. Just like kids today Roman children had education. Most kids were homeschooled by their father up until the time of the emperors. They rich hired tutors. Kids started school at age 7. Their school day was from 'dawn' to noon. School for children could be very harsh. If a child was to make a mistake, …show more content…

If you were a son of a noble, you had to prepare for a career in law or government. In school, children only learned three things. These would include reading, writing, and arithmetic. Not all girls went to school, but if they did the did not go as long as the boys. The other girls were home schooled by their mother. Boys went to school from ages 7-15. Girls went to school from ages 7-13. Family life for Roman children also had its similarities and differences. First of all, the father had the right to control the life and death of his children. Even so, the children were loved. But, they had to obey their elders, if they didn't, they would run the risk of being thrown out. It was like these children were on thin ice. There father could kill them, they could be kicked out, etc. Just like the children, the woman in Ancient Rome had there similarities and differences from woman today. First, home life for woman. Woman were citizens. This means the could inherit property. The woman, or mother, ran the house and all of its finances. Woman were valued in there household as wives and …show more content…

They had some jobs that you would you expect in Ancient Rome. These would include gladiator, ruler and senator, solider and slave, and farmer. Being a farmer you might think was just some little unimportant job. You may of thought that being a senator was a very important job. While Ancient Rome did need its government, it also needed its farmers. Being a farmer in Ancient Rome should've been a job of higher honor. Farmers fed the people of Ancient Rome. Things a farmer would've done is plant and harvest crops. The grain from the farmers would've been sent to parts of Rome and Egypt. Being in the military was another important job. The Roman army worked like it was a well oiled machine. The army had lots and lots of soldiers. They had a better way of fighting. The army fought in legions. A legion is a group of 6,000 soldiers. When the Roman army was not fighting, they were making various roads and forts. Ancient Rome also had many odd jobs. These would include a camel and peacock farmer. Other jobs would include an acrobat or a fortune teller. Being a fishmonger and a snake charmer was also something you could do. Lastly, in Ancient Rome you could be a surgeon or tax

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