Ancient Prophets Role

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God sends prophets to help people strengthen their relationship with Him by knowing Him better. Prophets are so important to really understand God’s message especially as time passes and the messages from previous people get blurred. As society changes, it becomes more and more difficult to relate to the things that were said so long ago in the scripture, so God continuously sends prophets to continue to guide the people. Prophets are essential because they are called by God and can explain God’s message to people in a more contemporary way. The role of ancient prophets was to provide a connection between the people and God. The prophets advised the people and the kings against things that God would not want them to do. They tried to keep everyone truly connected to God and help them not stray from His path. Additionally, the role of ancient prophets was to help the show the people the difference between heresy and the true teachings of God. The ancient prophets role …show more content…

Cormick was treated fairly by her contemporaries most of the time. Ms. Cormick was respected by those around her for taking the up the difficult task of trying to get teenagers to listen to the Word of God. However, it was not always easy. The students in my grade did not always give her respect while she was trying to teach us. Additionally, when Ms. Cormick was in high school, she struggled with staying faithful to God because not everyone respected her and her faithfulness to her religion. Ms. Cormick’s message to her students was to never let go of your faith. She knew how hard it was to grow up in the society today and still holdfast to your faith. Due to the fact that she was so young, she was a very relatable teacher and could speak to the students from experience about how to deal with the society today and how people are not always accepting of Christians. Her message was to never give up on God and He was will never give up on you; even if you lost your way, God would always take you

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