Ancient Futures by Wayne B. Chandler

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Democracy on trial was a debate format discussing mainly the idea of whether or not the government should be more involved in our lives. The first side debated that yes the government needs to be more involved in our lives, our social and economic standing is suffering due to their lack of not being involved enough. The second side felt that some changes needed to be made, but it should not be coming from the government, they are involved in our lives too much already. This debate is incredibly common in our country during this time. It is as if it is a never ending loop of constant discussion. The names, faces, and wording may be different but everything else is exactly the same. Then no progress is made because everyone is so intransigent. The book Ancient Futures describes the unique society of the Ladakhs. They are best known for being cut off from the rest of the world and creating a personal environment where they are completely self-sustainable, at least until westernization came through. Their view of politics is quite different from ours. If we lived in a Ladakh society a debate like that would have never occurred. There are heads of the community that attempt to make the most rational decision possible that will best benefit society. Altruism is the only way to conduct yourself as a leader.
The first speaker, Jared, discussed how the government is not involved in our lives enough, and needs to do more for the people. One of his main points was that deregulation is becoming too common place within the policies of the government and the environment and society are suffering because of it. Without the government being in control, we are unable to regulate carbon emissions from businesses. There are hazardous ...

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...adakh these problems would never occur.
Comparing our society and how the Ladakhs used to live is almost as if you are comparing two different worlds or species. While the Ladakhs never have these problems and that is good that also shows the real fault in their society. It is incredibly stagnant. They have accepted this as their way of life there is nothing new that will truly occur. The only aspects that will change are the names and faces. It is a closed world. While our country has developed in the opposite way with an obsession with our idea of progress creating an overabundance of life altering changes without ever contemplating whether or not this would truly benefit our society. This comparison between the stagnant society and the dynamic society shows up in every facet of our two very different worlds even in our political ideals and problems.

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