Analyzing organization culture on Lincoln Electric Company

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The Lincoln Electric Company is the world’s largest manufacturer of welding machines and electrodes. The Lincoln incentive management plan has been well known for many years. There are many specific organizational cultural characteristics at the Lincoln Electric Company. For the attitude toward the customer, it’s clearly stated that Lincoln’s goal is “to build a better and better product at a lower and lower price.” Also Lincoln said that “It is obvious that customer’s interests should be the first goal of industry” For the attitude towards stakeholders, a continuation of James Lincoln’s philosophy is that “the last group to be considered is the stakeholders who own stock because they think it will be more profitable than investing money in any other way.” Concerning division of the largess produced by incentive management, Lincoln writes, “The absentee stockholder also will get their share, even if underserved, out of the greatly increased profit that the efficiency produces.” For the attitude towards unionism, Lincoln’s idea of the correct relationship between workers and managers ...

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