Analysis of the Opening of a Thriller Film

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Analysis of the Opening of a Thriller Film

The brief we were given last year for AS was to produce the opening of

a thriller film. The sequence had to include titles and last between

two to three minutes. The style of the film and newspapers are very

different, as will be shown in the research. Last year we filmed and

edited but this year I will work mainly with texts and prototypes of

my layouts and making changes wherever necessary. Furthermore, the

genre will not be the same - a flashy thriller movie opening is not

the same as the first four pages of a newspaper. As a part of my

Media Studies coursework this year I have decided to produce the first

four pages of tabloid newspaper. My work will be promotional. I am

designing these pages to attract people to buy the product and to read

the articles.

Tabloids newspapers have fairly clearly defined visual features - big

headlines and large pictures, scandalous and gossipy stories, simple

and chatty language. I have chosen to do this as this will allow me

to clearly distinguish the differences between the styles and

reporting techniques as tabloids and broadsheets are relatively

contrasting genres of newspapers. I also like reading newspapers and

I like the way tabloid newspapers like ‘Daily Mail’, ‘The Mirror’,

The Sun’ and other tabloids represent the news. Stories in tabloids

tend to be short, not very detailed and the front pages capture

headlines that are referred to by an added striking photograph. Many

of these photographs are visually appealing to readers and also

implicate what the headline is referring to. The pages contained in

tabloid newspapers are gener...

... middle of paper ...

...other tabloids, simple and


The first page was vivid and looked attractive using big pictures like

the other tabloids and bright colours to lure the reader into wanting

to read more. The way I positioned my main pictures complemented my

main titles and related to the issues, which arise in the article.

The lead stories are not finished on the front page – it continues on

inside the pages like the other tabloids.

100% of the people liked reading all the articles I have written. The

best article chosen was on Page 3, which was continued from page 1

which I thought, was good because the most interesting article is

situated on the first page and their pictures were the favourite.

I thought this was successful piece of coursework, which has been

endorsed by the positive comments in the feedback.

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