Analysis of the Film Thelma and Louise

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1. Definition of the catalyst of the film “Thelma and Louise”
The catalyst moment in the screenplay is when Louise shoots Harlan. The incident, when Harlan is assaulting Thelma, set the first dramatic moment. This major event is the twist that provokes the action to escalate to the next act. In outrageous behavior, with suppressed feelings about her past, Louise relapses. She defends her friend, and at the same time, reacts to the memories of abuse she suffered, consequently, making justice for both.
2. Why is this the catalyst, and how does it serve the story?
This catalyst is set up to promote tension, which shows Louise’s behavior, while awakening Thelma is from her ordinary reality as a housewife. At that moment that Louise shoots Harlan, in self-defense, in self-protection and revenge, she automatically changes their destiny. The crime committed is the key that holds them together in search of freedom from their past, their identity, and their actions. This dramatic event also serves the story, first to address the issue of rape, abusive relationships, and its aftermaths. Secondly, it serves to point out the characters’ acceptance of their fate. Furthermore, the narrative can be viewed as a catalyst for more female roles in road movies.
3. Description of Act One and the dramatic event of point of no return.
Act One ends, when Harlan attacks Thelma, at the parking lot, she resists his advances. Next Louise shows up and stops him at a gunpoint, walks away with Louise, then when Harlan makes some remarks; she turns around and shoots him. Killing Harlan was the dramatic point of act one. His death leads Thelma and Louise’s actions directly to the climax of Act three, and there is when no other solution can be reached.
Their ...

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...max when they drive over the cliff.
Thelma and Louise are firmly aware and assured of their final way to freedom. They knew that things did not have to be the way they always have been, therefore, the submissive housewife Thelma and hardworking confident and independent Louise, changed by their circumstances to find their way to freedom on their own terms. The story dramatic content provides the audience with highs and lows emotions and anticipation of how to escape from their troubles. The escape scene in act one was real, because they are running away from killing a man. Seeking freedom by going to Mexico became a fantasy. They plan to escape from the authority, and from the men throughout their lives becomes reality. Thelma and Louise, in common agreement decides that the point of no return to end their ordinary lives was to die free from their reality.

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