Analysis of Dystopian Novels Nineteen Eighty-Four and A Clockwork Orange

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Nineteen Eighty-Four describes a world where the most obvious paradox is seen as a commonplace. At least it appears so to the people living in Airstrip One (the former United Kingdom). Winston Smith is one of these citizens who survive on shortages of food and rations of Victory Gin. He believes that his life is being improved day by day even though the reality is the absolute opposite. He is a diligent worker on the Ministry of Truth where he enjoys his job of rewriting the past. One day, however, he decides to start writing a journal. This simple act is already considered as a death crime – the so called “thoughtcrime”. By just thinking against the Party that rules the society, he conspires against it and is considered as a criminal who should be converted to accept the truth that only the Party is right. He should truly love only the Big Brother – an icon and the dictator of the totalitarian Oceania. He finds a place where he believes he can secretly commit his crime of independent creative thinking. He needs to take this precaution because everyone is under a complete surveillance by the authorities through “telescreens” in their households. The phrase “Big Brother is watching you” constantly reminds the people of this through the propaganda system in this state. Winston’s rebellion continues when he falls in love with Julia, a woman he actually used to loathe. Nevertheless, they both share the hatred against the Party and thus they rent a room where they meet and talk about joining the Brotherhood, a secret organisation that intends to destroy the Party. This wish can be fulfilled after Winston receives a copy of the Book that reveals and describes the truth about the world they live in. O’Brien is the man who gives him ... ... middle of paper ... ...that was for public safety purposes is being used for advertising – the cameras are able to recognize faces and thus target the ads. The so called “telescreens” that Orwell made up are actually already in our households. New “Smart” televisions send data about our behaviour and what files we have back to remote servers where they are analysed in order to make the marketing even more effective. However, this is just a beginning. If people are ignorant enough, the companies and government have a free rein to spy on citizens. The humanity has already seen what totalitarian regimes are capable of. And yet the technologies that we have allow those who are in power to take advantage of our lives and privacy in a way that was not possible before. Nineteen Eighty-Four was written in 1949 but it does not feel dated at all. Its alarming message seems more and more real.

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