Analysis Of Wife Swap

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Wife Swap Wife Swap is a television program in which two families swap mother for two weeks to invite them to a new way of living. The program involves, two families form different part of the country with very different values, are chosen to take part in a two-week long trial. The mothers from these two families exchange husbands, children, and lives to realize what it 's like to live another woman 's life. I had watched Wife Swap before, and I liked it because it is a good example of mixing two different cultures. I watched three episodes for this paper; I will compare between the cultures of the two families each episode. Firstly, I saw the Kuncaitis and Zdazinsky families; the mothers were two very different women; a religious farm woman and outgoing party mom. I personally loved the religious family. I can tell how much the Zdazinsky mom really appreciated the opportunity to get out of her life and do some real family bonding as you can clearly see by the end of the show. I think both families benefited from this …show more content…

The Parker family is so big; they have so many members in this house-while the Robinson is so small. They only have one kid. It was really sad to see that the Parker family is wasting all of their time and money on Little Chris 's career, and they are totally neglecting their other children 's aspirations and goals. It seems to me like the father wanted a rap career at one point, but he never made it, so now he 's using his son to live out the dream he always wanted. The little boy didn 't even want to perform, and what does his say? "You want to be famous, right?" His son doesn 't care to be famous; it 's his selfish parents that want him to be famous. Robinson mother shows how sorry she is for the Parker kids. The only one that gets attention is Chris. One of the oldest sons wants to be a veterinarian, but the parents do not nurture his future career, but nurture the career of a 9-year-old

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