Analysis Of 'Why Latino Children Are Scared Of Donald Trump'

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Héctor Tobar is an American journalist and author, who was born in Los Angeles and a previous journalist and editor for The Los Angeles Times. He now teaches journalism at the University of Oreagon. His work covers imperative political topics and examines the relation between US and Latin America. Tobar has been awarded multiple prizes for his books, such as for the novels “The Tattooed Soldier” and “The Barbarian Nurseries”. Tobar was the bureau chief for the newspaper, The Los Angeles Times, in Mexico City and Buenos Aires, where he covered political subjects. He won and achieved the Pulitzer Prize with a journalism team for reporting the 1992 riots. The article “Why Latino Children Are Scared of Donald Trump” was published in the newspaper, …show more content…

Spanish words are used, when the author refers to figurative creatures and bedtime monsters. Imagery language appear in the article by using descriptive words that create visual images for the audience. An example of imagery language is expressed as follows: “...(...)…a Lynwood mall that celebrates Mexican identity with replicas of Olmec sculptures, a statue of Pancho Villa and the facade of a colonial church.” Epithet language appears in the text by the usage of adjectives and phrases in order to help create the visual images, and some examples of epithets are “unapologetic xenophobia” and “scary Latino bedtime stories”. Metaphors are employed in the piece, and an example is “rhetorical daggers”. Symbols appear similarly in the text, when the author use the bedtime monsters and the piñata as symbolic elements. Pathos is utilized by the author to appeal to and evoke the reader’s emotions, and the author accomplishes this by appealing to the Latino children’s fear of monsters, which is exemplified as follows: "MANY monsters and ghosts haunt the dreams of Latino children. There is “La Llorona,” who is said to moan for her dead children. And more recently, the Chupacabra, which sucks the blood from farm animals and maybe a boy or a girl if he or she doesn’t behave." The Latino children correlate Donald Trump to monsters, which emphasize the notion of

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