Analysis Of Where Broken Soldiers Go By Michael Anderson

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Michael Anderson is a homeless veteran. He served in Vietnam from 1968 to 1972. When he came home he turned to drugs and violence as a way to cope with his war-related problems. Michael was sent to jail on domestic violence charges. During his sentence Michael wrote, “Where Broken Soldiers Go.” He is not a famous poet, but when CNN caught wind of his poem, they created an article on his piece. Michael Anderson not only caught the attention of a News station but many veterans and veteran programs reacted to his piece. Michael’s poem intrigued and troubled many. The poem has shown the underscoring troubles homeless veterans face coming home from war. Thus his poem have made many people want to start more veteran programs, or donate to the already …show more content…

My uncle is about to be deployed back into the Middle East, and while I know it is his job, I am afraid. I am afraid for what all the troops deployed around the world face. While, I choose to believe that most will return in one piece, no one really knows how hard it is to survive being a soldier. The mental and physical hardships faced by soldiers worldwide are unimaginable. The bombing of Syria, and the terrorist attacks today makes this world, a very dangerous time indeed. Even though, we may think life is tough, being a soldier is just as challenging. As a result I wanted to share this eye-opening poem as a way to show my gratitude and to spread awareness. Because, American veterans and active soldiers today have faced excruciating obstacles for our freedom and yet those who do get hurt are not helped. I personally would be livid if my uncle or my father did not get the help they deserve for serving our country and us. The freedom that America has is because of its soldiers and this poem expresses a side of war that I hold to be important to understand and to share.“Where Broken Soldiers Go” is a saddening poem about a man recounting his military

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