Analysis Of The Soul Survives And Functions After Death

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What if I told you that you’d be able to relive the fondest moments of your life as many times as you want in a dream world reality, would you believe me? This may seem far-fetched for some people, but if you take the time to read "The Soul Survives and Functions After Death” by H.H. Price, you’ll start to question your own beliefs about your soul and where it goes once death strikes. Price questions the nature of souls once the inevitable happens and states that the soul goes to another world, a Next World. The idea of the dream world I previously mentioned will make you question your very own beliefs about where your soul will go once life’s inevitable happens to you. So, is Price’s afterlife theory of the Next World really something to …show more content…

“The Next World, I think, might be conceived as a kind of dream-world. When we are asleep, sensory stimuli are cut off, or, at any rate, are prevented from having their normal effects upon our brain centers. But we still manage to have experiences (Price, 501). In this statement by Price, he is describing how powerful our dreams have on our daily life. The dream world that he is proclaiming to be our afterlife does not follow the basic laws of physics, just like the ones we wake up to do not. In Price’s afterlife theory of where the soul goes once the physical body ends, there is no sense of the physical nature of the body. Yet with his theory, we would experience just the same as if it was still intact. That being said, he’s claiming that the soul goes to a parallel world to the experiences we have while we are dreaming. In addition to that, he claims that each person will experience a world of their own as we do already with our own unique dreams. Price claims that this afterlife isn’t a lonely one to the extent of our own physical dreams are today; no one is able to experience the same vivid experiences we have in our own real dreams, yet with Price’s …show more content…

I know it was for me. It took a while for me to fully grasp what Price’s theory of the soul’s afterlife truly entailed. Having a pretty narrow Christian belief of where our soul goes once we die, I found Price’s theory of the soul being reincarnated seamlessly into a dreamworld filled with our memories didn’t seem plausible the first time I read his argument. I let my mind wander for a while on the thought of this type of afterlife; one that lets you relive your fondest memories and carry out your dreams in a way very similar to the ones our brain generates as we fall vast asleep. After reexamining his argument about the survival of the soul one more time, I can personally say that I think his hypothesised Next World could truly be

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