Analysis Of The Offshore Pirate And The Great Gatsby

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An important literary device all stories contain is the Logos used to portray the author’s story-telling methods within the text. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses a variation of extensive descriptive details of the setting, themes and symbolism within his work to create a complex plot line in Flappers and Philosophers: The Offshore Pirate. His use of symbolism adds layers and depth to create meaning, while the style and theme reflected the character’s internal journey through the external plot. The setting he uses throughout most of his novels and short stories is the roaring twenties and the social environment at the time. The "Offshore Pirate" was published in the1920’s during the rise of a political and social change for women. In most of his work, he depicts his characters as having unrealistic dreams as well as their search for adventure, love and money. A frequent theme is wealth and richness as well as selfishness and adventure. A novel also written by Fitzgerald that connects in various ways to this short story is The Great Gatsby. “The Offshore Pirate” and The Great Gatsby share similar themes and settings as both stories take place in the roaring twenties with rebellious …show more content…

She finds herself freshly engaged by him and his unconventional life. Finally, as all men that meet Ardita do, Carlyle falls in love with her. A feminist interpretation of Ardita is indicated throughout the text and the fact that Ardita is reading “The Revolt of the Angels” and that the yacht is named Narcissus adds to this inference. Fitzgerald’s use of the style of “romantic wonder” in “The Offshore Pirate” closely relates to The Great Gatsby, which revolves around the concepts of youth, beauty, money, and fame. The overall theme of how with youth and beauty, greed and self-indulgence can flourish created the underlying theme that the “American Dream” is corrupt in many ways and can lead to the destruction of one’s self and the people around

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