Analysis Of The Leap By Louise Erdrich

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Louise Erdrich story “The leap” is about the narrator’s mother Anna who once was a trapeze performer in the flying Avalons. The purpose of this essay is to tell three stories on how it makes the narrator feel appreciated for her mother. When Anna was apart of the flying Avalon she survived an accident. The accident that claims the life of her former husband while in the middle of a stunt. The main pole got hit by lightning which made the tent start to fall over and her husband plummeted to his death. Anna tore off her blindfold and grabbed ahold of the bar but the bar was still hot from being struck by lightning which burned her hand’s. She broke her arm when one of the rescuers cam and pulled her out of the wreckage. Which led to her going …show more content…

The doctor and Anna fell in love while she learned. They then got together and had a daughter. The daughter is then the narrator. Later on in the story, they moved out into the country that her husband inherited. Not long after that the house caught on fire and the babysitter called the fire department but when they got there the stairway was already in flames. They had no way of going up there but once her parents arrived her mom took off her outer layer of clothes and climbed the tree and jumped to the roof and entered her house and put her daughter in her lap and jumped out of the window into a safety net below. Some similarities are that Anna is still the same loving, and caring person she was in the beginning of the story. She still tried to love again and she bore another daughter after losing her first daughter. She was still a risk taker by saving her daughter from the fire and taking of her blindfold to see what was happening and to not let go when her hands got burned. But some of the differences with Anna are that she gave up being a trapeze performer and became an avid reader. She gave up traveling to be a stay at home mother. When she was doing that she never got to take so many

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