Analysis Of The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

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: It was 1482 on the Day of the Festival of Fools. The protagonist, Quasimodo, otherwise known as the Hunchback of Notre Dame, was named the ugliest person in Paris. The antagonist in this story is Archdeacon Claude Frollo. Frollo uses Quasimodo as a personal slave and keeps him in a tall tower. One day, Quasimodo looks out of the tower to see a beautiful gypsy dancer La Esmerelda. La Esmerelda is dancing in the town square when a struggling poet named Pierre Gringoire attacks her. Quasimodo takes action and saves La Esmerelda. However, when Phoebus de Chateaupers arrives, he suspects that Quasimodo was the one who attacked La Esmerelda. Quasimodo is later put on trial and publicly humiliated. La Esmerelda helps Quasimodo by giving him water. To save Quasimodo’s life La Esmeralda agrees to marry Phoebus. Frollo is quite angry with this plan because he is in love with La Esmeralda. La Esmeralda goes home with Phoebus and on the way home Frollo stabs Phoebus repeatedly. La Esmeralda then falsely confesses to killing him and she is sentenced to be hanged. Right before La Esmeralda is g...

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