Analysis Of The House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros

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The House on Mango Street written by Sandra Cisneros is about the discovery of a young Latina girl’s identity. Esperanza, the main character, moves to a new house that is located on Mango Street. The neighborhood that she lives in is poor, considered dangerous to outsiders, and not a place she wants to stay at. The people around her make her feel as though she did not belong, but through these neighbors, Esperanza creates her identity as an aspiring character. In Esperanza’s neighborhood, different types of people reside near her, and they influence her to have ambitions in writing. To begin with, characters who shape Esperanza include Minerva. Minerva is introduced in one chapter of the second half of the book, but she still affects Esperanza. Minerva …show more content…

“She lets me read her poems. I let her read mine,” (84). Allowing Minerva to read her poetry, Esperanza now has someone to comment on her writing. She likes to tell stories as she she states in the final chapter of the book. Having someone read her poems, she is given a perspective on the world of being a writer. Another person that impacts Esperanza is her aunt. Her aunt, Guadalupe, belongs in the water as a swimmer. It is her passion, but she gets a disease and is bedridden. “You just remember to keep writing, Esperanza. You must keep writing. It will keep you free, and I said yes, but at the time I didn’t know what she meant,” (61). Guadalupe knows what it is like to have a dream end, and she did not want Esperanza to go through the same experience. Esperanza eventually realizes what her aunt meant, meaning she thinks about it. She is pushed forward by Guadalupe to continue with her passion. Finally, Esperanza is guided by her mother’s support. Her mother is already a big part of her life because they live together, but her mother

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