Analysis Of The Fourth Of July By Audre Lorde

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In the short story “The Fourth of July” written by Audre Lorde conveys the message that one should not contradict the majority of people and if they do as result their will be certain consequences, and that you have to wait it out in order to be somewhat rewarded specifically in the story, The story is roughly about the racism within the United States’ capital and other parts of the U.S., and how her family experienced these horrid practices on their fourth of July vacation. The copious use of the term white within the short story clearly conveys the fact that there is a strong amount of racism present in the story, as well as the fact that the fourth of July was only a "white man's celebration” The use of white to describe Washington D.C. represents Lorde's anger at how our nation's capital should be symbol of freedom for all american citizens and however the country is …show more content…

In the story the family is faced with an adverse situation commonly known as racism. The family who were all of African American descent decided to take a family vacation to Washington D.C. in order to celebrate the graduation of two of there children one who graduated from eighth grade to high school that person was Audre Lorde and her older sister just graduated from high school. They thought it would be a leisurely vacation however it was the opposite. They were limited to what types of trains they could take, where they could stay as in hotel wise, or even where or what they could eat. “I wanted to eat in the dining car because I had read all about them, but my mother reminded me… that black people were not allowed into railroad dining cars…”(Lorde 240) Simply due to this discrimination

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