Analysis Of The Film Kingsm The Secret Service

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An influential and victorious Kingsman encounters three types of traits which are loyalty, courage, and anger. These characteristics demonstrate and prove the theme of the film Kingsman: The Secret Service, which is the central idea of the plot. In order to develop realism, the arrangement of the film was precisely organized to create an attraction, which is known as the mise-en-scene. Key components such as lights, costumes and setting help set up the visually appeal of the diegesis. Whereas, the angles, distances, and heights of a camera’s position enhance the intensity of a scene, which is the cinematography. In the film, Kingsman: The Secret Service, the protagonist, Eggsy, substantiates the qualities of a true Kingsman, which is obedience, …show more content…

By creating intense themes of obedience, bravery and rage, the audience was able to relate to the protagonist to build up the same characteristics as them. Loyalty was manifested through the costumes and angles by unveiling how different opportunities and random individuals can make a beneficial change in one’s life. Lighting, angles, and height express the fearlessness of the characters by expressing the mental and physical strength. Whereas, the intensity of the scene connected the audience to obtain a personal and emotional connection to the characters and film. During the end of the film, the color of the explosion, which is a factor of mise-en-scene proclaims the royalty treatment that wealthy people are given. It hinted that when they are targeted their death is more valuable than others. This revealed the theme of anger that the protagonist experienced because it showed that most high standard people are always seen as elevated individuals compared to the lower class civilians. The cinematography and mise-en-scene are important factors of a film because it makes the theme of the story become more alive and enthralling. Altogether, the themes of this film prevailed the crucial qualities of a proper hero and a

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