Analysis Of The Article 'What Grown Children Owe Their Parents?'

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In the article “What grown Children owe Their Parents?” by Jane English the article is a good argument. The article gives many supporting reasons why it is a good argument. First off the argument is arguable. In the article it has different areas explain how and why a person can owe someone. It also explains the difference between not owing someone and owing someone. While also explaining friendships versus debts.
In the article the author is trying to prove that grown children do not owe their parents. Although parents sacrifice for children, grown children do not do things for their parents because they owe them. Instead grown children do things for their parents because of friendship instead. The idea of owing favors to one's’ parents can cause destruction if it undermines the role. As stated in the article the author argues grown children do not owe their parents, although there are many things that children ought to do for their parents. Also it's misleading and inappropriate to describe them as things “owed”. I will maintain that parents’ voluntary sacrifices, rather than creating “debts” to be “repaid,” tend …show more content…

For instance when the authors gives an example about a parent saying you owe me because of all sacrificed but its demeaning to the grown child because the child was not ask to be born sometimes that is response from the grown child to the parent. Also the grown children didn’t ask for all of the things that were sacrificed from the parent, it’s in some way saying that the parent have sacrificed for the grown and lost something in their life and cannot do things for the parent out of all the things the parent have done for them while losing things on the way that was loved dearly perhaps a sport or a hobby, and the grown child may feel unwanted, like a mistake or something in that

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