Analysis Of The Arguments Made By Jules Ferry

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In order to better understand the comments made by Jules Ferry in 1884, we must first understand the state of affairs of late 19th century France. Just thirteen years prior, France had lost to Germany in the Franco-German war. This resulted in France losing territory and was thus economically weakened. Another major change after this war was the emergence of Germany as a great power. Their victories during the war lead to uniting Germany. The power shift between France and Germany left the French people feeling a tremendous amount of hate towards the Germans. In light of these of events, it is not surprising that Jules Ferry made such a statement. According to Ferry the recent developments in world trade that had made it urgent for France to have colonies had to do with Germany and the United States. One of Ferry’s reasons for colonization was due to Germany “setting up trade barriers” (Kleinman, 1897). This was, of course, easy …show more content…

He believed that the “higher races have a right over the lower races” (Kleinman, 1897). The arguments presented by Ferry’s critics were that he was attempting to justify slavery and that a country that believes in human rights should not commit such an act. In response, Ferry claimed that the Spanish did not uphold their responsibility as the superior race in Latin America (Kleinman, 1897). In other words, he is saying that bringing slavery to other lands should not be the goal of colonization. It is almost as if he is implying that slavery should have been beneath the Spanish and that it was a mistake. In addition, Ferry redirects the topic back to trade by reminding everyone of France’s previous colonization in Saigon, Indochina, Tunisia, and Madagascar. His goal is to emphasize the need for “safe harbors, defenses, supply centers on the high seas” (Kleinman, 1897). Thus he defended imperialism by pointing out the need to strengthen France’s

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