Analysis Of Sherman Alexie's Awareness Of Language

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What Being Educated Means to Me In “Awareness of Language” by Malcolm X and in Sherman Alexie’s essay, “Superman and Me”, the authors demonstrates how education, which is achieved through experience as well as literacy and dedication, provide an escape from the cycle of lower-class society. The authors also argue that appearance has nothing to do with education level. Malcolm X in his essay goes in depth about the struggles he faced before his time as a civil rights leader and before coming one of the most influential men of the century. He also explains how his time in prison truly set him free. Sherman Alexie divulges the inequalities within the education system on reservations. Alexie also addresses the trials and tribulations he endured as a Native …show more content…

Both essays drive through the point that being educated will set people free from both personal and outside barriers.
Malcolm X starts this conversation by stating, “I have known many slick, sharp-looking hustlers, who would have you think they had an interest in Wall Street…” (Malcolm X). Alexie points out the same argument in his essay, “If he’d been anything but an Indian boy living on a reservation, he might have been called a prodigy” (Alexie). I keyed in on the fact that both authors pointed out the fact that because of one’s looks, they are judged, for better or worse. During Malcom X’s time on the streets and on the reservation Alexie grew up on, racial profiling would have most likely been a daily experience for the two. Education too, was a victim of profiling. The ghettos and smaller, lower income areas would have a suffered, especially in their educational funds. This creates a stigma that non-educated are ignorant and destined for a life of pushing drugs and other contraband. Malcolm X, as a man who grew up in the ghetto, knows firsthand of this, stating “I had been the most articulate hustler out there…” (Malcolm X). Just

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