Analysis Of Scott Sanders 'The Men We Carry On Our Minds'

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In “The Men We Carry On Our Minds,” Scott Sanders uses binary thinking to perceive things that affect him from a holistic perspective; however, he fails to take into account that his position as a white male grants him unearned privilege. Sanders essay addresses multiple identities, unearned privilege and binary thinking. Thesis? Scott Russell Sanders’ binary thinking is prevalent in his essay. He has a tendency to see things in a black and white manner without acknowledging the grey area.(Give Evidence) Due to his observation of laboring men, he assumed women had it better off. When he states ”the only one’s who seemed to enjoy a sense of ease and grace were the mothers and daughters” (Sanders), he failed to look at things from a holistic …show more content…

He identifies with the dominant group (white males), but he also identifies with the lower class. He “grew up in dirt poor farm country, in mining country, in black ghettos, in hispanic barriers, in third world nations” (Sanders), due to that he was in denial of his white privilege. Wording right here,“I was baffled when the women at the college accused me and my sex of having concerned the world’s pleasure” (Sanders), It was hard for him to come to the realization that regardless of him identifying with the low class he still profited from white privilege. To him it felt like he did not benefit from privilege because he experienced the hardships that of minority and lower class people would go through. Sanders has the assumption that those who benefit from white privilege live happy and fulfilled lives. A lot of people tend to make that mistake. Privilege has nothing to do with how one feels. Privilege has to do with having access to certain things that another group of people cannot have do to lack of characteristic that the dominant group possesses. Just because your experience of white privilege does not always make you feel happy or wholesome does not mean you do not benefit from

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