Analysis Of Rethinking Juvenile Justice

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Juvenile Justice
When teenagers are growing up it’s a difficult time it’s proven that our minds aren’t fully developed to the extent of an adult. We make numerous mistakes, but our mistakes teach us how to learn right from wrong. Our hormones at this stage make our emotions less manageable .It’s not easy being a teenager when you’re scared about what people think. A lot of young kids don’t know how to manage it. Which makes it’s a stressful period of trying to understand yourself and what your good at. In addition, during this time period it’s important to have someone to speak to that understands what you’re going through. When individuals don’t have a coping mechanism, they keep everything in and you never know what might trigger …show more content…

Like the saying says with age comes wisdom, because of there more experiences they should know better. In the article, “Rethinking Juvenile Justice” Schwartz argues that juveniles should be treated like minors because sentencing them as adults cause more harm than good. Also sentencing them life sentences aren’t fair because it won’t help rehabilitate them but make them more accessible to crime. Instead of making them law binding citizens they will think there life has little value and commit more crimes and develop the mind of a criminal .Schwartz states, “But juvenile justice experts say that locking up young people with hardened adult criminals did more harm than good. That realization, along with a sharp drop in violent crime and new scientific research showing that teenagers ' brains are not fully developed, began turning the tide away from this get-tough approach”. Schwartz implies that young criminals should not be compared to adult criminals who were more aware of their crimes. He believes that they still have a chance to do their part in society. They still have a chance to become law abiding

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