Analysis Of Policy Meet Practice By Fred Ende

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In Fred Ende’s article entitled “Policy, meet practice” (2017), the need to better current educational policies and legislation to fit the needs of the incredibly diverse student's population found in the USA is discussed. Ende states that the best way to change the present education system is through advocacy and informing others about the impact excellent education has on society. He suggested that when policy makers and educational professionals collaborate, share, and always keep the actual implementation of laws in the forefront of their mind, progressive changes would be able to take place that would positively impact society. He explains that advocacy is a very important aspect of education, and could easily be integrated into the education system we are using to better service every individual apart of the community. …show more content…

From my experience, advocacy is the best way to provide the best educational experiences for all. The suggestions Ende makes in the article are more than appropriate and would affect the current education system in the United States in the most positive ways possible. The three solutions included in Ende’s article include: “Make sessions on policy practical, Encourage collaboration, [and] Allow policy and practice to meet” (2017). By instilling these practices into the field, reform will begin and learners will no longer be suffering from the archaic and nonsensical policies that are in currently being utilized. When transformed, the educational system should allow for teachers and other professionals to develop strategies that support and advocate for students and families. To do so, individuals

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