Analysis Of Peter Burkholder's Academic Journal Article Review

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Peter Burkholder 's academic journal article is written and developed with a social approach. Burkholder 's article formulates connections between social aspects of the present generation with the medieval era through examples such as the 1995 film Braveheart and various video games that portray medieval battles. His analysis of the stereotypes society has of medieval warfare connects with a wider audience beyond the academic community since it incorporates examples of popular culture thus making the article more relatable to the reader. Since it is a journal article Burkholder uses academic terminology, however it is used sparingly. However, due to the article 's simplicity few primary sources aside from the Song of Roland are used, and the document is based heavily upon explanations rather than established facts. The Song of Roland acts as a prime example within Burkholder 's article of when entertainment value is placed above historical accuracy, thus resulting in confusion and academic misinterpretation. A source of this type would be useful for writing an article about medieval warfare aimed at a non-academic audience, or a paper on historical (in)accuracies within media and primary sources. Ideas such as Burkholder 's statement that the dominant …show more content…

A thorough exploration of this particular topic may investigate subtopics such as secondary misinterpretations of first hand accounts, social prejudice within primary sources, as well as the impact of former political pressures in primary sources. A comprehensive analysis of the potential essay topic will go beyond the original arguments and ideas of the authors to prove or disprove their theory scholarly articles have reinforced inaccuracies within primary

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