Analysis Of Peel

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Chemical composition The chemical composition of peel and pulp for (RBE) and (LWE) are presented in table (1). Generally, the moisture, fat, protein, and carbohydrates contents in the pulp were higher than the peel. The pulp of both (RBE) and (LWE) were higher in the contents of moisture, fat, protein, and carbohydrates than those in the peel. While the ash , fiber, and total phenols contents were higher in the peel than in the pulp of both kinds of eggplant. These results are in agreement with those reported by Ejoh et al., (1996) Asaolu and Asaolu (2002); Huang et al., (2004) and Kahlon et al., (2007-a). The different eggplant types and parts have considerable amount of potassium (K). The highest value was recorded in (LWE) peel (2387 mg/100 g DW) while the lowest level was noticed in (RBE) pulp (2016 mg/100 g DW). The same trend was observed exactly in Na. The levels of iron (Fe) were 6.7, 5.7, 7.1, and 5.8 mg/100g DW. Generally, eggplant peel contained K, Na and Fe more than the pulp. According to Asaolu and Asaolu(2002),in both cooked and uncooked eggplant varieties, the minerals contentswere higher in the coat than in the flesh and sodium (Na) and potassium (K) were found to be the highest contents followed by phosphorus (P) in both the coat and the flesh. The authors also reported thateggplant in …show more content…

Also, a significant increase in antiperoxidative enzyme catalase was observed. So, a diet containing moderate amount of eggplant flavonoids may reduce risk of cardiovascular

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