Analysis Of Oath Of The Horatii

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Chapter 21: Rococo to Neoclassism: The Oath of the Horatii by Jacques-Louis David (1748, oil on canvas) is a painting in the Neo-Classical style. It is hailed as tribute to ancient Classic ideals. David believed that subject matter in a work of art should have a moral (p.635). Indeed, in this piece he provides an image that is essence of pre-republican Rome. The Oath of the Horatii represents David's individuality, an individuality that would lead him to contradict the French Academy in order to pursue his own understanding of the art of painting, an understanding that was based on past and modern ideologies (classic Greek and Roman) and which represented a synthesis that would be soon adopted by supporters of the French Revolution. The painting depicts the period of the wars between Rome and Alba (in 669 B.C). It has been decided that the dispute between the two cities must be settled by an unusual form of combat to be fought by two groups of three champions each. They are represented by the brothers of the Horatii and Curiatii family. Drama unfolds as one of the sisters ...

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