Analysis Of Nikki Giovanni's Poem For A Lady Whose Voice

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Nikki Giovanni was born in 1943. She has established herself as one of the leaders in poetry. She was part of the civil rights movement and black power movements. These helped inspire her to write poetry. Publishing her first book in 1968, Giovanni is an erudite poet, writer, activist and educator. She has received countless awards, and has written countless poems. One of her most mysterious poems was released in 2002. Poem For A Lady Whose Voice I Like is packed full of themes and writing styles unique to civil rights among African Americans. This poem also touches on problems with gender, depending on how this piece is analyzed by the reader. One solid fact about this poem is that it is about Lena Horne. This Paper will be analyzing this …show more content…

Presenting the poem's tone through dual speakers. A male speaker, “so he said” (line 1). As well as a female speaker “and she said” (9) Choosing two narrators elaborates on the overall somewhat serious tone, it paces along slowly so the reader becomes anxious to see how the female narrator will react to the harsh words of the male speaker. Giovanni portrays the males mood as littered with racism and hate. Making the reader feel as though there is a problem that needs to be addressed. The male speaker says “If you didn't have a face you wouldn't be nobody” (2-3). This gives us an idea on how African American minorities not only were, but are treated. The male has the hostile emotion that makes the poem become humorless. She envisions the male as the hate in american culture, being critical to her fame and popularity. She conveys the female narrator as a rather calm and patient person. She responds in biblical text from the old testament, giving this poem an undertone of religion. The female reader seems to take advantage from the comments made by the male, envisioning that he is a white male. Her comebacks are witty and smart, getting rid of the all solemn tone in the poem. Mood and tone are important in this poem, although repetition gives it a theme the tone could

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