Analysis Of Lemuel Gulliver's Dream

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Lemuel Gulliver describes a wildly fanciful dream from a perspective that, when analyzed, illustrates his conceited character and ignorance at his surroundings. Throughout his dream, Gulliver expresses how much more civilized and privileged his race is compared to the Yahoos, yet does this in a factual way that does not hint at contempt. Similarly, he does not seem to realize how abnormal his situation is throughout the dream, and casually remarks on each aspect of his environment without actually paying attention to details or what is really going on. Despite how seemingly self-absorbed Gulliver appears in his account of his dream, at the end he does reflect on his own life compared to the Yahoo's, and he makes the connection of how closely related his species and their's are (Swift 2473). This connection gives insight into Gulliver's mind, and shows that Gulliver may possibly be more aware then he seems. In Gulliver's dream, he observes that his “teachableness, civility, and cleanliness” (2436) astonishes the Houyhnhnm, who initially takes Gulliver for a mere Yahoo. He also goes...

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