Analysis Of John Updike's Short Story 'A & P'

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Fiction is described as “ … a name for stories not entirely factual, but at least partially shaped, made up, imagined” (Kennedy 5). Types of fiction include short stories, fables, tales, and parables. Stories written in fiction are deliberately made to draw the reader's attention and make reading the story more interesting. In addition, fiction usually has some type of moral or message at the end which makes the reader question themselves. The five key elements that go into every great short story is character, setting, conflict, plot, and theme (Kennedy 16).
One type of fiction is a short story in which the writer usually presents the main events in greater fullness (Kennedy 16). John Updike's short story “A&P” portrays the main character, Sammy, as an immature and over-confident nineteen-year-old boy who is fascinated with three beautiful women who walk into the grocery store dressed in bikinis. In the story, Sammy is the first-person narrator who tells the truth as he sees it, but this narrative can be seen as unreliable because his point of view might not be entirely factual. However, the amount of vivid detail that Updike adds in this story makes Sammy’s point of view seem credible and true to life. Throughout …show more content…

Because Sammy was focused on the girls in the bikinis, he accidentally rang up an item twice and the customer was “giving him hell” for it. Sammy describes her as “... a witch about fifty with rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows, and I know it made her day to trip me up… by the time I got her feathers smoothed and her goodies into a bag – she gives me a little snort in passing, if she'd been born at the right time they would have burned her over in Salem” (Kennedy 17). For Sammy, the customers at the A&P are all easy for him to interpret and judge. Sammy has a mindset that he knows everything about a person's life by judging them by their

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