Analysis Of I Slalomly Swear By Dave Barry

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In “I Slalomly Swear” Dave Barry writes a argumentative article on how awful skiing is but, in reality he's only complaining about his experience while disregarding his family's experience unless it somehow involved himself. He argues, throughout the text, the horrors of skiing by bringing up topics that have either simple alternatives to his expensive clothing and difficult location, or something that time can only fix such as skill and pain.

In Dave's case they’re three requirements when it comes to the snow clothing, “(1)it must cost as much as a medium wedding reception, (2) it must make you look like the Giant Radioactive Easter Bunny from space and (3) it must be made of a mutant fiber with a name that sounds like the villain on a …show more content…

When trying to save money the best place you can go to is Goodwill or Salvation Army, but Goodwill is better for the reason being that they receive a wider variety of donations unlike Salvation Army which carries older items. I purchased my ski’s, ski poles, ski boots, ski pants, and ski jacket for forty five dollars and the cheapest item on that list was the ski’s, which are normally like one hundred plus dollars without the poles or sometimes with broken bindings. Instead I had found them only for three dollars at a garage sale. As for the Radioactive Easter Bunny I’ll use my own Bunny suit for an example; I wear a green and orange jacket that's really puffy in the arms and stomach with a pair womens ski pants, which are very comfortable if I may add, then with an old pair of ski’s that look like belonged to my father's childhood era. You can …show more content…

I mean it's because of all those couple thousand falls that you finally learned how to not fall, and even after all that you shouldn’t expect to pick it up like a book from a kindergarten section meant for children who are learn their abc’s. If you persevere and continue to struggle you can hold your head up high and feel the rush of the wind blowing past your face as you swing in and out of between trees instead of pissed of that your son was able to learn it fast. He's younger than you, children practically inhale any kind of knowledge that include how to even make sandwiches for himself, so that he might be able to for himself one, sneaky mom. Although the pain of failing on the ice and snow is never a fun discovery, you should never forget the reason for going on a “family” vacation is to have fun as a family and if you didn't have fun skiing I don't suggest you try snowboarding but I recommend you try sledding. Very simple and hard to mess up, except when you try to use the non existent brakes which is where everything goes

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