Analysis Of How To Get Away With Murder

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Discredit this witnesses, introduce a new suspect, and bury the evidence, these are stages introduced in how to win a case and leave the jury dumbfounded. When we are younger, we always hear of our companions wanting to become lawyers or doctors. I believe the new show offers insight on what our childhood dreams would be like if we pursued them and went to law school. The new thriller has had quite the uproar and has been the topic of most blogs and articles that I have read and been deemed a hit; the show will epitomize legal offices, portray acts of seduction, and ponder our senses of right and wrong. I watched the pilot episode of “How to Get Away With Murder”, ABC’s new Shonda Rhimes television thriller, staring Viola Davis and Charlie …show more content…

The show being forward-thinking and inclusive in an excitingly organic way doesn’t mean that you have to like it, or watch it. But I hope that some people who wouldn’t normally wade into these ABC Thursday night lineup waters might give How To Get Away with Murder a chance. Because it’s doing something pretty remarkable, something that feels big and important and noteworthy, in the coolest and most casual of ways. Frankly, it feels great to watch—it’s righteous, sexy, even heartening. It’s also, y’know, pretty dang entertaining. That still matters on television too, after all” (Lawson, R). I, for one, am a huge fan and plan to see how the thriller …show more content…

“In fact, the compelling way that “Murder” parallels the presence of lying in a court room and the lies the characters tell in their real life is an example of the kind of connections that are so incredibly important to make with an audience, connections that keep them coming back for more.” (Stanicek, Lily) Stanicek’s article focused merely on making a connection with the viewers. In interviews with Davis and a few of the other actors and actresses, they explained their real life struggles and how they incorporated those emotions into their character roles. Although Keating is a terrifying professor, there is a background of heartbreak and a deceitful husband, which she retaliates by being crude to her students. Gibbons was accepted into the law school only three days before the new semester began, and is not harsh like his peers and cannot deliberately hurt a stranger to get what he wants. Keating, I believe, picks up on Gibbons naïve demeanor, and intends to treat him like her toy. That is why he has been chosen to be on her defense

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