Analysis Of Hickeys

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Based on our results, the majority of participants that perceived the targets to be involved in a relationship acknowledged that their reasoning was highly influenced by the hickeys that were present. For example, participants would say that this target is in a relationship because the hickeys are indicative of involvement. Though it can not be statistically supported that hickeys indicate relationship status, there does seem to be a strong relationship between the two variables. Since the majority of the participants` responses were because of the presence of the hickeys, it can be inferred that hickeys present on one`s body can possibly represent a mark of territory thus one with hickeys would be perceived as involved in a relationship.
Data revealed that males are perceived as higher risk-takers and being more socially dominant, but females were rated as being more sexually dominant. Consistent with the evolutionary perspective, those with hickeys visibly seen are rated as being more promiscuous,sexually desirable, and bigger risk-takers which supports our original hypotheses. Those with hickeys visibly seen are rated as being more socially dominant which did not support our original hypotheses being that those with hickeys would be perceived as more submissive in general. Approaching significance but of notable interest, those with visible hickeys were rated as being more sexually dominant as well as more romantically desirable. Males with hickeys are perceived as bigger risk takers, and as more sexually desirable than males with out hickeys. Females with hickeys are also viewed as bigger risk-takers, and as more sexually desirable than females without hickeys. Both findings support our original hypotheses. Between the tw...

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...le. We also intend on adding in more demographics such as the participants own relationship status, and if he/she gives hickeys plus their reasons why they do or do not to shed some more light on the subject. We also hope to increase the amount of males that are represented in the study in order to hopefully investigate the differences in perceptions of hickeys between males and females. Because this line of research is fairly new to the field, there is sparse information we can find about hickeys in particular. There are vast amounts of literature on territory marking, but there is little that actually focuses on marks of territory on the actually body of a human. Based on how much physical appearance is assessed in society, especially when involving potential mates, are main focus is to continue investigating how hickeys are perceived and what they might indicate.

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