Analysis Of Harvey Milk: The Hero's Fight For Gay Rights

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While taking a course in college I learned about various issues that America is facing today, and has faced before, some being the viewing of the film Milk and discussions on brave acts Harvey Milk and others demonstrated to fight for what they believed in involving same sex marriage. I believe that adults have the right to be with whomever they would like, and that there is an issue with love vs. law today in society. Many people have been through Joseph Campbell’s theory The Hero’s Journey to have same sex marriage legalized and acknowledged. “It's fair to say that Milk spoke out as an advocate for gay rights, prompting more and more gays and lesbians to come out of their closets and thus increasing their visibility enormously. Whereas before, the gays were attacked helplessly by crazy people”(McCarthy). If it were not for Milk and him being an openly gay elected official fighting for the LGBT community, some of the gay rights we have today may not have been acknowledged. In this paper, I will examine the brave acts of Harvey Milk to Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey concept. …show more content…

Since then many people have opposed this right. People disagree with the legalization of gay marriage making claims that it is physically and and biologically unnatural. There have been so many reasons people believe same sex marriage should not have been legalized. On the other hand, there have been plenty of reasons it should be. I believe that denying gay and lesbian people their rights will take away civil rights. Gay, lesbian, straight, or whomever are entitled to love whoever makes them happy, we are all human and deserve the same

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