Analysis Of Grete's Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka

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Grete’s Metamorphosis

People change when things become difficult or they are faced with an unfamiliar situation. This is made very apparent in the novella The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Throughout the story Grete seems to go through her own metamorphosis. She changes from a nice warm hearted person to a uncaring and cold hearted sister towards Gregor. This is displayed in each part of the story through Kafka's use of diction and symbolism.

In the beginning Grete is very kind and caring towards Gregor. For example at the start of the story Gregor had not come out of his room, there was a growing concern from the family, but most of all from Grete. Kafka uses the word “fretted” (947) The use of the word fretted brings to mind connotations like anxious and concerned, which Grete is for her brother. The use of this word shows her care for her brother. She is very worried and continues to knock on his door and at one point begs him to come out. She is very distressed and wants to make sure he is okay. Further into the story when …show more content…

Firstly, After a few months of Grete in her routine, she starts to seem more annoyed than earlier in the story. “But he had to wait until midday for her return she seemed more agitated than usual.” (961) The word agitated makes me think of someone being irritated and troubled. The word is significant because it's starting to display a change in Gretes attitude. She starts to become more agitated with her brother which isn't the behavior we saw towards the beginning. Secondly, When Gregor scares his mother into fainting, Grete gets angry and raises her fist towards Gregor.(964) I feel like Grete raising her fist symbolizes her tension and her true feelings towards Gregor. A raised fist is usually portrayed as power and being ready to fight. This shows she thinks of him as lesser than her and how she can control

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