Analysis Of Food Inc

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The Harsh Truths of the Food Industry, Exposed by the Movie Food Inc “If you live in a free market and a free society, shouldn’t you have the right to know what you’re buying? It’s shocking that we don’t and it’s shocking how much is kept from us” (Kenner). For years, the American public has been in the dark about the conditions under which the meat on their plate was produced. The movie, Food Inc. uncovers the harsh truths about the food industry. This shows that muckraking is still an effective means of creating change as shown by Robert Kenner’s movie, Food Inc. and the reforms to the food industry that followed its release. The movie Food Inc. was made possible by the director, Robert Kenner (“Filmmaker bio”). Kenner dedicated over six …show more content…

was the sheer power that big companies possess the food industry. The top 4 meat packing companies which are Tyson Foods, JBS USA, Cargill Meat solutions, and Smithfield Foods; control 90% of the meatpacking in the United States (Kenner). In addition to that, there were more than 1,000 slaughterhouses in the U.S in 1990, but in 2007 there was only 13 (Kenner). In the film Food Inc. a union organizer explained how Smithfield was taking advantage of low income workers, especially undocumented immigrants. Smithfield chooses low income, rural settings for its giant slaughterhouses, such as the hog slaughterhouse in Tar Heel, NC which is the world's largest slaughterhouse (Kenner). This way Smithfield can manipulate workers into doing about anything with the threat of losing their jobs, most often to keep quiet about what happens inside the slaughterhouse …show more content…

There is many examples of these companies controlling the government, but the most notable is Justice Clarence Thomas. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was a Monsanto lawyer before he became a supreme court justice (Kenner). Justice Thomas used his power to write and sign a bill that prohibited farmers from saving their own seeds (Kenner). Another clear example of the government being controlled by the food industry is Michael Taylor (Kenner). Michael Taylor was a lawyer for Monsanto, specifically concerning GMO labeling. He oversaw the FDA’s decision not to label GMOs while he was the Deputy Commissioner of Policy for the FDA (Kenner).There are many other examples of the government being controlled by big companies, including a member of President Clinton’s advisory board, a past NC Senator, the FDA branch chief and the EPA Deputy Administrator

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