Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven

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Poe’s “The Raven”: Conveying Beauty through Misery
The idea of losing a loved is a powerful emotion and one that virtually every person can relate to. It was with this concept in mind that Edgar Allan Poe crafted his classic narrative poem “The Raven.” For some, poetry acts as a means to express different ideals, either social, intellectual, or philosophical. For Edgar Allan Poe, poetry was at its best when it conveyed beauty through the expression of simple yet powerful emotion. In Poe’s mind, there was no purer manifestation of poetic beauty than the deep emotion felt from the loss of a beloved woman. Is with this in mind the Poe employs setting, tone, and symbolism to relate the powerful emotion of never-ending despair to connect with his audience in the classic poem “The Raven.”
The life of Edgar Allan Poe was one often colored by tragedy. These tragedies were a strong source of influence for his writings and likely contributed to his focus on the bleaker aspects of life. Born in 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts, Poe’s life with his biological family was short lived. His father, David Poe, left the family only two years after his birth, and shortly after in December 1811, his mother Elizabeth Poe died from illness leaving him an orphan (Quinn 47). The death of a parent at such a young age is something that would undeniably have a profound impact on anyone’s psyche. In the case of Poe, the death of his mother and later the serious illness, and subsequent death of his wife, Virginia, could be seen as one of the strongest motivations for his focus on death and obsession over loss (Quinn 496). This unfortunate childhood was compounded by the difficult relationship Poe had with his foster parents, John and Fanny Allan (Dhahir). Poe’s ...

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... Reference Center. Web. 14 July 2014.
Poe, Edgar Allan. “The Raven.” Literature: A Pocket Anthology. 5th ed. R.S. Gwynn. New York: Pearson Education, Inc., 2012. 545-549. Print.
Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Philosophy of Composition." Literary Criticism of Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. Robert L. Hough. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1965. 20-32. Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Timothy J. Sisler. Vol. 54. Detroit: Gale, 2004. Literature Resource Center. Web. 13 July 2014.
Quinn, Arthur H. Edgar Alan Poe: A Critical Biography. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1998. Print.
Richards, Eliza. "Outsourcing "The Raven": Retroactive Origins." Victorian Poetry 43.2 (2005): 205-221. Poetry & Short Story Reference Center. Web. 14 July 2014.
Smith, Stephanie Ann. "The American Romantic Period." American Romantic Period (2011): 1. Poetry & Short Story Reference Center. Web. 16 July 2014.

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