Analysis Of Dr. Martin Luther King's Morning In America

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holding a sign say “I am a Man,” and Mr. Jones asked did anyone know the significance of the picture. Being the elder of the group, I answered that this was one of the men on strike against the city of Memphis in 1968, which lead to Dr. Martin Luther King to come to the city to support the garbage workers. This eventually was the place where Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968. The visit to the Reuther Library was fantastic, which I enjoyed thoroughly and it was very informative. January 25, 2016 brings the class a song from Brother Ali called Morning in America. Frank plays the song Ball of Confusion by the Temptations; both songs are commentaries about the chaos present in the country even though there are almost forty years between …show more content…

Frank shows a video with Dr. King talking about labor, wealth, and justice, and discusses the social and economic redistribution of resources. During the time of the speech the United States spends about $322,000 per persons as opposed to $ 53.00 per person for poor people. Dr. King castigated the leaders of the country by stating that “all labor has dignity, there are resources to end poverty, but not the will, and it is a crime tor stagnation wages in this rich nation.” (King). The speech was delivered less than a month from his death on March 10, 1969 and also addressed his anti-war views the inadequate housing situation, inferior schools, while the country is an “ocean of material Prosperity,” the issue of part time workers and the need to organize those workers.(King). The speech concludes with Dr. King stating that, “Freedom is not given freely by the oppressor,” and the government is more concerned about Vietnam than the war on poverty.” (King). Frank gives the class some books to read: The Social Construction of Reality, by Berger and Luckmann, The Other America, by Michael Harrington, Nickel and Dimed, by Barbara Ehrenreich, and How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York, by Jacob Riis. There was a discussion of …show more content…

Innovation of the steam engine by James Watt, originally used to pump out water in the mines, then transformed to run machines, greatly changed the economics and work throughout the world. Herbert Hover who was the founder of the American Red Cross had the misfortune of being President during the Great Depression from 1929 through the early 1930’s. The depression didn’t really end until the entry of the U.S. into World War II. The Song of the day presented by Iris was Fats Domino’s Detroit City Blues, a song about the things going on in the city from a bluesman perspective. Frank discusses the musical structure of the 12 bar blues song focusing on the chords I, IV, V. An article about the first case of domestic terrorism where a disgruntled school board member upset with an increase in property taxes, bombed and elementary school resulting in 45 deaths of which 38 were children. Cotton [production based on the labor of slaves made and built America continued our discussion. The idea of non-violent resistance that Martin King used in the Civil Rights Movement was based on the movement in India led by Mahatmas Gandhi. Atomic weapons and the bombing of Nagasaki, and Hiroshima , and the invention of the

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