Analysis Of Donald Hickey's Glorious Victory

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Many Americans overlook the War of 1812, not realizing it played a vital role in the development of what was still a very young and untested country. The war was a complex standoff between the United States and Britain and peculiar in comparison to other notable wars in United States history due to the lack of conviction each side displayed for much of its duration. As Donald Hickey says in his book, Glorious Victory, “No one on either side of the Atlantic really wanted this war,” (Hickey 14). The War of 1812 was complicated and unpredictable from the first conflict up until the Americans found themselves in the Battle of New Orleans near the end of the war. Hickey writes a well-designed account of the war, with a focus on the significance of the Battle of New Orleans and more specifically the leadership exhibited by Andrew Jackson. Hickey shares time convincing the reader that the Battle of New Orleans was the most important and decisive conflict in the war and …show more content…

He is even referred to as “the dean of 1812 scholarship” by The New Yorker. Hickey has written seven books and almost one hundred articles on the War of 1812 alone. Glorious Victory is Hickey’s most recent book on the War of 1812, having been written in 2015. Hickey is most known for several of his other books other books about the War of 1812 including The Rockets’ Red Glare: An Illustrated History of the War of 1812 and The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict. Currently Hickey is a professor of history at Wayne State College in Nebraska. In addition to being a professor, Hickey is also an editor for a series of John Hopkins Books on the War of 1812. Hickey received the Samuel Eliot Morison Award in 2013 and is highly regarded to for his work on the War of 1812. In Glorious Victory, he continues to display his vast knowledge of the war. It is safe to assume that Hickey is more than qualified to write this

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