Analyzing Controversies in The Da Vinci Code

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Da Vinci Code Rough Draft
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is a highly criticized novel due to it containing faulty historical claims, the conflict between the superior man and the sacred feminine and several controversial themes.
Throughout the novel Brown employs the use of many twisted pieces of information which caused much controversy and conflict. In many instances Brown uses exaggerated statistics in order to get an emotional response from the reader. “An example of [this] is his assertion that the church burned 5 million women at the stake during the witch-hunts of the later Middle Ages.”(Burrows) This is obviously an over exaggeration because a mass murder such as this would have depopulated Europe during this time period. Although …show more content…

In addition to Brown’s use of misconstrue facts, there has been much controversy over Brown’s depictions of well known historical figures such as Jesus, Constantine, Mary Magdalene and Leonardo Da Vinci. For example, the way he describes Mary Magdalene as The Holy Grail goes against all the previously held notions about the history of the religion and would undoubtedly cause quite an uproar. The same holds true for the descriptions of the other prominent figures. “Roman Catholic scholars, whose religious tradition has been most tarnished by the novel, have also demonstrated their unease with Brown 's claims as exemplified by the work of Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel in their book The Da Vinci Hoax: Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code.” (Re-sexualizing the Magdalene) As Brown edges further and further away from the facts he turns what could be a small stretch in the …show more content…

Brown has made it very clear that his novel is a work of fiction and not to be taken literally, and that it was ultimately up to the individual to believe what he or she chooses to believe.(Schaffrath) That being said Brown states that he does believe in his theories despite going against the mainstream ideas. “Brown himself has indicated that he believes in the veracity of his work. For example, when Matt Lauer asks him how much of the book is based on reality in an early Today Show interview, Brown replies, "Absolutely all of it. Obviously, there are . . . Robert Landon is fictional, but all of the art, architecture, secret rituals, all of that is historical fact."”(Re-sexualizing the Magdalene) The authors Brown uses put forward evidence that Jesus and Mary were in fact married such as "it would have been unthinkable for an unmarried woman to travel unaccompanied, particularly with a religious teacher and his entourage."(Re-sexualizing the Magdalene) Brown 's use of actual settings, people and paintings give the reader a sense that what is being told in the novel may hold some truth; however, it is merely a part of Brown 's style as a storyteller. “Brown uses whatever facts work for him; where they don 't, he falsifies and fabricates. The guild of historical novelists, if there is such a thing, might debate his professional ethics.”(Propp)

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