Analysis Of Chira Banerjee's A Sister Of My Heart

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But family life is difficult, to say the least, and Sabitri’s daughter, Bela, turns her back on her mother and joins her boyfriend, who must run away from India because of his politics, to marry him in the United States. Bela’s daughter, Tara, stung when her parents divorce, descends into drink and drugs. The tale begins in 1995 with Sabitri, now sixty-seven, writing to Tara, influence her to finish college. It ends, after many twists and turns in the chronology, in 2020, with Tara, about to take her mother to Sunny Hills and who, in cleaning her house, finds the photo albums. “The books are jumbled and in no chronological order.” The novel sorts its stories not by date but by theme.
. Chitra Banerjee’s Sister of My Heart revolves around the bond of friendship that forms between …show more content…

From her essay ‘What women Share’, we can recall the following lines to understand the object of the novel: But when I did read the epics and other classic texts of Indian culture, I was surprised to find few portrayals of friendships among women. In the rare cases where such relationships appeared the stories of Shakuntala or Radha, for instance the heroine soon fell in love and left her friends behind to follow her beloved. It was as though the tellers of these tales (who were, coincidentally, male) felt that women's relationships with each other were only of significance until they found a man to claim their concentration and loyalty. Having thus been awakened by the thought that women have not been compensated the attention that is worthy of them by other story tellers, Chitra Banerjee set to paint the inner most recess of a woman’s psyche, the nature of relationship that she shares with men and women in the novel ‘Sister of my Heart’ and the novel speaks about these and

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