Analysis Of Cesar Chavez's Speech Commonwealth Adress

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Studying an individual's speech and a species' adaptation helps us to understand their perspective of the conditions surroundings them. An example is Ceasr Chaezs' speech Commonwealth Adress and some marine biology animals. Perspective is everything.

In the speech Commonwealth Adress by Cesar Chavez his perspective on whats around him is disrespectfulness. He says that the people around him are disrespected. "How could we progress as a people while farm workers--who symbolzied our history in this land--were denied self-respect?" Chavez describes people not having self-respect because of how they are treated. Cesar also talks about shameful enivorment."How could our people believe thst their children could become lawyers and doctors and judges and business people while this shame, this injustice was permitted to continue?" He talking about that how can people belive they can successd in life when theyre looked down apond. Cesar Chavez uses parallel structure in paragraphs 25-36. …show more content…

So photophores is a light some deep sea fish have which helps in complete darkness. Photophores help fish get away from pretadors. So the fish "turn on" its light one place then "turn off " the light and shine in another place confusing the predator giving it time to escape.So many deep see fish have small eyes or are blind because there is no light down there. These fish usally, you could say sense when things are around them so they really dont need their eyes. Gelatinous skeleton is a skeleton that is very soft and mushy but still holds a type of shape. These fish have gelatinous skeletons becuase of the high pressure underwater if a human were to go down there they would die from the pressure. That is only some adaptions deep sea fish have and deeep sea fish are not the only fish with adaptations in their

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