Analysis Of Bloods And Crips: Made In America

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In order to meet the ideal measure of standards and morals to be a part of the usual social standard, one must be able to meet specific goals to achieve economic success. When these standards are not met, it is called anomie according to Robert Merton. In the documentary Bloods & Crips: Made in America, we see the underlying and outside factors which have provoked African American youth to become involved in gangs and gang related violence. According to Merton, “some social structures exert a definite pressure upon certain persons... to engage in nonconformist conduct,” (672). There are two social structures that are important in order for youth to succeed the normal standard of living which can cause pressure on the individual and cause …show more content…

Blacks were not able to go into white neighborhoods and vice versa. This created a boundary for the African American youth to leave their neighborhoods and reach those goals that are supposed to be met by society's means. These blacks had a feeling of alienation and became culturally disorientated due to the harassment from the cops. They were unable to have a sense of identity and who they really were due to the fact that there was a segregated society being created. These African Americans began to see themselves as having no value and became self hated. Blacks were shown their life has no value and they were rejected. Blacks were being arrested for non-violent crimes and drug offences. People of color have been targeted. This punitive impulse to punish folks of color is linked to our discrimination history here in America according to Michelle Alexander. When being swept into the criminal justice system, it comes hard to live a normal life and have a job to succeed a specific standard of living. Being black stood as a boundary for the youth in America. African American peace/non-violence groups and activists were torn down and that is how the gangs began to form. Mass incarceration, specifically in young black men leads to more violence due to how society has structured whites and blacks all the way back to the Jim Crow Laws. They then …show more content…

The functions that take place in Los Angeles is what is causing these gangs and violence. Anomie is the social feedback from an individual due to the impotent access of reaching the "American Dream", status, income, education, and freedom. Anomie is a burden that people are usually born into and causes them to operate in way that are not useful to society and do not promote societal stability. Anomie shows that the opportunities here in America are not equal for all and this is because of boundaries an individual is stuck inside of, just how Michelle Alexander believes blacks are trapped inside of a racist criminal justice system for

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