Analysis Of Beauty And The Beast By Jeanne-Marie Leprince De Beaumont

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Beauty and the Beast was also a story that we read. The first version was written by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont. The story takes place in an unknown town of some sort. The major characters are the rich merchant, Beauty, and the Beast. The story starts off with the rich merchant and his kids. He had 3 daughters and 3 sons. One of his daughters was named Beauty. Beauty’s sisters were very jealous since they were not as beautiful as Beauty. The rich merchant lost his fortune, and decided to go explore. While he was looking around, he found a huge castle. He went inside of the castle and fell asleep on one of the beds inside. The next morning as he was about to leave, he saw a garden of roses next to the castle. He wanted to bring one …show more content…

This results in the Beast’s curse being broken, he turns into a human, and then Belle and the Beast get married. The final Beauty and the Beast version we watched was called Beastly. The story takes place in a large city. Main characters are Kyle, Lindy, Zola, and Will. The beginning of the story starts off with Kyle. He is a handsome man that is running for president at an environmental club. Kyle thinks that looks are everything, so he decides to bully a girl named Kendra. Kendra however is a witch, and she does something to Kyle that will makes his life horrible. Knowing that Kyle thinks looks are everything, she turns him into an ugly guy that is bald and has tons of weird tattoos all over. She tells him that once a girl tells him that they love him, the curse will be broken. Kyle’s father can’t stand how Kyle looks, so he leaves him and makes him live in a private house with a housekeeper Zola, and a blind tutor named Will. Kyle starts to have a hard time living because his girlfriend that he loves, Lindy, doesn’t realize that he is the handsome man that she knows. Kyle brings Lindy to his house to try to get back together with …show more content…

This was my favorite version because after reading the other version of Sleeping Beauty, the movie gave you a real sense of what the characters looked like, and how they acted towards other characters. I also liked the Disney version the most because you could see some of the ideas mashed into it that were from the older written versions. I didn’t really have a least favorite version of Sleeping Beauty. I enjoyed reading all of the stories because they all had their own unique plot. I also had some mixed thoughts about the Beauty and the Beast versions. My favorite version for this fairytale was Beastly. I liked this one the most because it was really funny, and it had a neat plot to it. The story was also very easy to understand since it was a movie. However, my least favorite version for Beauty and the Beast was the Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont story. I picked this one for my least favorite because it was kinda hard to understand at some parts of the story. I also disliked this one because it seemed really boring to me because it didn’t really have a significant change to the Disney

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