Analysis Of Ayn Rand´s The Fountainhead

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In my attempt to think about what I believe in, I thought back to my high school classes and what book discussions were most interesting. From that thinking, I found a key element in my everyday life that I live by. Whether it was discussed in class, or in one the books I read during school, a core principle that I tend to remind myself of is that no matter the situation everyone should strive to develop themselves. I early on found a necessity to read and obtain any information I can from books. Further into my high school year, I came across two different books that was the foundation for my idea. Each book was a different catalyst to help me see this important lesson in my life, and continued to teach me the importance of striving to better …show more content…

For myself, this idea has its roots in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead, a book with core themes in Objectivism, the idea that mankind's purpose is to find happiness and content with their lives. This was the third novel of Ayn Rand's I read during my high school time. As I dove deeper into the novel, the theme of self-preservation and self-involved interested me. From this focus of Objectivism, my own ideas began to form about what I consider humankind's purpose to be in life. I had few answers to that question and too few sources, so I was not prepared to answer something as committal as that; but, I did come to conclude that humankind should pursue their interests and always strive to be learning and growing. The Fountainhead helped spark this idea through the focus of the individual and not in group participation. Although I do not agree with the ultimatum of mankind's purpose or Ayn Rand's objectivism, I do believe that there is a need to always be focused on oneself and the state of growing in one's life. Even with this novel starting my curiosity into the idea, I never finished the book. Regardless of how boring I thought the story was, the theme of individual focus began my interest in the idea and learning more about it. which is how one develops their character. Actively pursuing new ideas with enthusiasm is something I wish to continue throughout my life and I believe that it will keep me

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