Analysis Of Acute Myocardial Infarction

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I am comparing the information given about Heart attack (Acute myocardial infarction) on two websites Web MD and The U.S. National Library of Medicine. Web MD is aimed more to cater to the general public with limited knowledge basic, this website allows you to view information at a level at which most people regardless of their age would be able to comprehend. I do feel the information presented on this website might be a challenge for someone with limited education or who doesn’t have at least eighth grade reading skills. The secondary audience for Web MD might be a healthcare professional looking for a quick limited resource. One of the persuasive strategies use to appeal to their primary audience are pictures and content organization in …show more content…

“heart attack, or myocardial infarction (MI), is permanent damage to the heart muscle. "Myo" means muscle, "cardial" refers to the heart, and "infarction" means death of tissue due to lack of blood supply.” (Beckerman, n.d) The average sentence length is under ten words and each paragraph doesn’t contains no more than four to five sentences, indicating the website is more for people with a limited education level. The respective style is more formal because the writer doesn’t know the audience to whom he is speaking and he takes a serious tone toward the subject he is discussing. Adverting for Web MD is everywhere you can often see the pop ups on other websites including social media meaning they are probably trying to draw in a younger less educated audience. This website doesn’t contain any graphs or tables but it does contain several pictures and videos, they are displaying these in order to capture attention and increase …show more content…

National Library of Medicine gives more detailed information on the subject and is geared more to someone in the health care profession. A secondary audience for the U.S. National Library of Medicine could be someone who is looking to go into the medical field like a student who is looking for information on this particular subject. One of the persuasive strategies the website employs to appeal to its primary audience is giving medical research material on about heart attacks. People in the medical field often find it helpful to look up studies on a given subject and this library helps the reader access studies on the same page as information about a particular topic. The U.S. National Library of Medicine claims to be the world’s largest medical library. This website attempts to connect to its target audience on an intellectual level by providing more specific information such as medications and detailed medical procedures, which other websites such as Web MD fail to

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