An Explication Of Gwendolyn Brooks The Mother

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An Explication of Gwendolyn Brooks “The Mother” Brooks “The Mother” deals with abortion and the mother’s emotional state. It does this through a very detailed remembrance when a mother gets an abortion and feels miserable and realizes how she cannot visually perceive the child or children grow up, live life gracefully, or understand how it’s the little things the children do is what a mother will adore and miss. Brooks takes us to the perspective of some mother’s experiences with abortion and how they handle the guilt. Throughout this poem it shows denouements of grief on abortion and the terminus result of the loving affection a mother shows. In the first stanza the speaker states how she feels about abortion. As you read the first stanza you notice it happens to be in a second point of view form. She is basically saying how the children you got that you never got will never endure certain fulfillments in life. This meaning the mother will never remember or have a memory of the little things in life is what makes raising children precious and memorable. In the second stanza it was more guilt than anything. The speaker writes the second stanza in a first person point of view. As you read through it, it seems the speaker has experience with abortion and takes it in to a more personal matter. …show more content…

An example of this would be in the first line, “Abortions will not let you forget” and another example would be in the second stanza, “I have heard in the voices of the wind the voices of my dim killed children.” These sentences both state “abortions and Children in a plural form, this could mean the speaker is writing about more than one abortion. Once reading this it makes you think of all the troublesome hardships, and grieving of the abortions she has had to go through. It makes you wonder, did she genuinely love her unborn

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